The last few years have been really full of obstacles for the Valpolicella winemakers: the autumn floods and the low spring temperatures that characterized the 2020 vintage have made their work more complex than ever. In addition, we cannot forget the global pandemic, the one from Covid-19 that we have all been experiencing for almost three years now, which has led to a considerable lack of manpower inside the cellars for grape harvesting. 2021 had turned out to be a golden year as already explained in our article dedicated to it, and how does this year look like? Let’s take a look at the details and features together.

HIGH TEMPERATURES AND DROUGHT: THE TWO MAIN NOTES OF 20222022 promises to be a vintage of excellent quality and the merits can be attributed to various factors, first of all the climatic trend which was extraordinarily favorable during the summer period. The incredible scarcity of rains has in fact allowed the vines not to suffer fungal diseases that would have jeopardized the quality of the grapes during the ripening phase. The high summer temperatures, on the other hand, have brought the sugar content in the berries to very high levels, a detail that will lead to a production of red wines characterized by exemplary softness.
From a phytosanitary point of view, at the time of harvesting which began a month earlier than in previous years, the grapes are in excellent condition, with a good final stage of maturation. It should be emphasized that this year, fortunately, hailstorms have been very rare and overall without serious repercussions in our area. We are sure that this 2022 vintage will give us great satisfaction…

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